Contact / Staff

If you have any questions or inquiries please feel welcome to send a message our way.

Postal address: Po Box 275 in Bushenyi, Uganda


Meet our main staff and contact them in case of any questions concerning their department. They are always happy to help!

Chris Ahimbisibwe – Head of coffee department
+256 (0) 392840814,
 +256 (0) 701086722  
Abby Ayebaze – Coordinator/Eco-Travel Manager
+256 (0) 783916047
Prima Atukwase – Estates Manager/Reception
+256 (0) 785341882
Nicholas Kahamire – Head of Tree Nursery Department
+256 (0) 774331939
+256 (0) 701331939
Ephrahim Tumwijukye – Head of Herbal Medicine Department
+256 (0) 782 657906
+256 (0) 750 439024
Florence Muhwezi – Head of Women Department
+256 (0) 706591265
Justine Komwani – Head of Grieving and Counselling Department
+256 (0) 705893846
+256 (0) 787658136